✨ Spark + Sparkle! ✨

The Playful Path to Reignite Your Passion, Confidence, and Creativity—Feel Energized and ALIVE in Your Work, Relationships, and Life Again!



I'm not going to tiptoe around it... 

2024 has been heavy.

If at any point this year you’ve found yourself…

  • Staring at your to-do list, eyes glazed over, knowing there’s so much to do, yet somehow, you can’t seem to move. The overwhelm is too much. You wonder, "Where did all my energy go?"
  • Doomscrolling on Instagram, flicking through post after post, hoping to feel—but instead, it leaves you more drained than before
  • Trying to stay hopeful, but it feels impossible and heartbreaking when the world around you seems to be unraveling—every headline more chaotic than the last.
  • Feeling like everything is just sort of... "blah"

…you’re not alone.

In the past year, I’ve spoken to countless people who feel like they’ve lost their sparkle. 😞 They’re going through the motions, struggling to feel passion—for their business, their relationships, and even their day-to-day life.

(And how can you not, when the world feels like it's on fire).

But I’m here to remind you of something so important: Your joy matters. 💖

And especially in hard times, cultivating joy matters more than ever.

We need joyful spaces that allow us to breathe, to feel, and to reconnect with the parts of ourselves that light us up, even in dark times.

Play isn’t frivolous—it’s a lifeline.

Joy isn’t selfish—it’s how we stay grounded, resilient, and ready to show up for ourselves, for others, and for the world.

That's *exactly* why I created... 

Spark + Sparkle! is a 4-week community-centered program designed to give you the playful accountability you need to re-ignite your inner spark and move from feeling “blah” to energized about your work, relationships, and life. 🌟


Take a moment and go on a little journey with me...

It’s four weeks from today.

You’re looking back in awe of how your life has transformed. The passion you once thought was lost? It’s roaring back—bigger and brighter than ever.

Your creativity? It’s flowing effortlessly, not despite the challenges, but because you’ve reconnected with the playful, resilient part of yourself that knows how to thrive, even in heavy times.

Your relationships? Deeper and more connected, because you’re showing up with more presence, joy, and freedom. You’ve learned how to hold space for both joy and heartbreak, bringing your full self to every conversation.

You’ve also found a community that truly sees and supports you. A space where you’re reminded of our shared humanity, where you can hold the weight of the world while still feeling lighter, connected, and hopeful. 

Imagine it…

You're no longer going through the motions.

You're confidently saying "yes" to what lights you up and "no" to what doesn’t serve you, without second-guessing yourself. 

Your calendar is filled with things that excite you—whether it’s spontaneous dance parties, peaceful midday walks, or bold decisions that align with your deepest desires.

You wake up each day feeling ALIVE, not just in your work but in every aspect of your life.

Your energy is magnetic, and new opportunities seem to fall into your lap at just the right time.

You’re playing, exploring, and thriving. And the best part? You didn’t have to sacrifice your responsibilities or your dreams to get here.

This doesn’t have to be a fantasy. It can be your reality.

And I would love to help you make it happen with Spark + Sparkle!

Hi, Sweet Warrior!
I’m Kara—


Play and Mindset Coach, hypnotherapist, hip-hop & latin dancer, chocolate chip cookie monster, breakfast aficionado, bright red lipstick-wearer, and your biggest cheerleader.

But I wasn't always in touch with my playful side. For years, I let corporate hustle, perfectionism, and people-pleasing run the show.

My inner critic? It was LOUD.

My self-doubt? Even louder.

I spent years chasing approval—whether it was compliments from my boss, through money, or waiting for the dopamine hit of Instagram likes.

Even though I followed all the “right” self-care routines, deep down I felt empty, like something was missing. 


But All Of That Changed When I Found One Simple Thing: PLAY

It wasn’t until I reconnected with Little Kara and invited PLAY back into my life that everything shifted.

Play was the missing ingredient that reminded me I’m a fun, creative, and valuable human—just as I am, without needing constant validation, perfect hair, or a mile-long to-do list. 

But play didn’t come naturally at first. I struggled with letting go of control and perfectionism because:

➡️ I thought everything had to be done “right.”

➡️ I couldn’t say no to others and yes to myself.

➡️ I constantly felt the pressure to always be “on.”

➡️ And most of all, I believed that rest and play were “unproductive.”

But here’s the truth: When I embraced play, I stopped running myself into the ground for everyone else’s approval. I started living for me—laughing more, dancing again, and waking up excited about my day, not dreading it.

And I began to realize that joy wasn’t selfish—it was necessary. It gave me the strength to face the hard stuff, to show up for myself, and for the people I love.

And now... I’m on a mission to create a space where you can reconnect with that part of you that’s been buried under responsibilities and endless to-dos—the part that’s dying to laugh, take risks, and feel alive again. 

And that's why I created Spark + Sparkle!

Spark + Sparkle! will help you:

✨Connect with your passions outside of being a [mom, business owner, etc.]

…creating space to take a walk in the middle of the day, meet with friends, or whip out your paint brushes.

✨Stop going through the motions

…and do things for the sake of JOY, like canceling your plans to work late to go out dancing!

✨Make bold decisions to create the business, relationships, and life that lights you up

…instead of settling for what “just is” or what you think you “should” do.

✨Attract aligned opportunities and relationships

…where you think “This is wild! How did this just fall into my lap right now?”

✨Feel more FREE in your day-to-day

…showing up present in conversations, doing things with no attachment to the outcome, and generally carrying less weight on your shoulders.

✨ Become known for your vibrant energy

…bringing fun, creativity, and joy into your work, relationships, and everyday life. You’ll inspire those around you, reminding them that even in tough times, joy is an act of resilience and connection.

✨View challenges as exciting possibilities

…approaching them with curiosity and playfulness. You'll transform obstacles into new opportunities, knowing that play helps you stay resilient, resourceful, and ready for anything.

Over the course of 4 weeks you'll enjoy:

Think of them like joyful slumber parties for your inner child! 

We’ll kick off each session with fun, playful exercises to get you out of your head and into your body.

Then, we’ll dive into a supportive group connection where you can share your wins, ask for guidance, and get real-time support from me and the group. (90 minutes, 1x per week)

Each morning, I’ll send you a daily voice note to help kickstart your day with a boost of inspiration and mindset magic.

These are like mini pep talks to leave you feeling alive, aligned, and ready to embrace the day.

Think: a morning shot of joy that will get you excited to take on your day.

You’ll get access to our cozy Slack community! Think of this as a PLAYHouse where you can share wins, ask questions, get inspired, and build genuine connections with like-minded online besties. 

I’ll be popping in too, cheering you on every step of the way!  


...knock, knock!

Plus, You’ll Get These Goodies! 👇


Bonus #1: Lifetime Access to the “Decisions Made Easy” Mini-Course

The perfect solution to get you out of overthinking mode and into taking action, so you can confidently make choices that feel good!

Bonus #2: The Magic Within – A Guided Playdate with Your Inner Child

A guided playdate with your inner child to let go of perfectionism, rediscover your creativity, and build radical self-love, all while tapping into the freedom and joy you deserve!

Ready to have some fun? Join Spark + Sparkle!
Join the fun with 2 payments!

Say Hello To Your 4-Week Spark + Sparkle Adventure!

Here’s a sneak peek at the yellow brick road that’ll take you out of the black-and-white film you’ve been living in straight to the colorful land of Oz!

(...Minus the witches, the tin man, and the talking scarecrow, of course)

Week 1: Ignite Your Playful Soul & Inner Spark


This week is all about awakening the playful, creative, and joyful parts of yourself that have been buried under the weight of responsibilities and routine. Imagine feeling a surge of excitement again—like you did as a child—where every day holds the possibility of fun and discovery.

By the end of this week, you’ll start to feel lighter, energized, and ready to invite play into your daily life again, sparking a sense of adventure that ripples into everything you do.

Week 2: Release, Cleanse & Make Space for Your Next-Level Glow


In Week 2, we’ll focus on releasing what no longer serves you. We’ll focus on letting go of the thoughts and behaviors that have been weighing you down—whether it’s constantly comparing yourself to others, the fear of not being good enough, or the habit of saying “yes” to everything to avoid conflict.

By the end of this week, you’ll feel ready to welcome in new energy, ideas, and opportunities.

Week 3: Reimagine Your Life Vision & Build Juicy Standards


With the space created in Week 2, you’re now ready to rewrite your life vision and set higher, juicier standards. This week is all about dreaming big, creating a vision for your life that excites you, and raising your standards to match the vibrant, joyful life you deserve.

Week 4: Unleash JOY & Step into Your Magnetic Energy


In the final week, it’s time to step fully into your magnetic energy. You’ll learn how to carry your newfound confidence and joy into all areas of your life—relationships, business, and beyond—attracting the people and opportunities that align with your vision.

You’ll leave week 4 feeling LIGHTER with a newfound confidence, creativity, and excitement to get out of bed in the morning! 💃

 What Do You Say, Sweet Warrior?

Ready to Feel Fully ALIVE Again?

Let's slideeee into the fun together!

Playful Coaching & Support (value: $3,500+)

✔️ 4 Weekly 90-Minute LIVE Group Play Sessions
Think of them like joyful slumber parties for your inner child! We’ll start with fun, playful exercises to get you out of your head and into your body, followed by group connection and real-time support from me and the community. (Recordings available if you can’t make it live!)

✔️ Daily Joy Notes
Quick, inspiring audio messages delivered Monday-Friday to kickstart your day with a boost of joy and play. These are your mini pep talks to get you feeling alive and ready to embrace the day. Transcripts included!

✔️ 24/7 Access to Our Private Slack Community
Connect with other playful warriors, share wins, ask questions, and get support throughout the program. I’ll be there too, cheering you on every step of the way!

Bonuses (value: $500+)

✔️ BONUS #1: Lifetime Access to “Decisions Made Easy” Mini-Course
Say goodbye to overthinking with this playful guide that helps you make confident decisions with ease.

✔️ BONUS #2: The Magic Within – A Guided Playdate with Your Inner Child
Reconnect with your creativity and let go of perfectionism during this fun, transformative playdate.

Total Value: $4,000+

***This round only save $250 and join Spark + Sparkle for only $247 $497! 

Jump inside today for just… 

$247 $497 


$130 (+ 1 more monthly payment) 


Want a peek at what past playmates are saying?

—Alice C., Life Coach

The BEST money I’ve ever spent! Carving out time to play was transformative. I felt lighter and found myself showing up for my relationships and work with more calm, clarity and a sense of purpose.

Having found myself feeling way too serious and overburdened by my work I decided to work with Kara. It was so much fun! Kara uses the body, the mind, and visualization techniques to tap into your natural childlike energy within. Smart and knowledgeable, she is the perfect person to do this work. Her genuine delight in your play process is evident in every session.

I am so grateful I made the choice to give myself this gift. It was well worth it!"

—Sarah R., Life Coach, Fiction Author, & Poet

“Since working with Kara, I am SO much more playful, lighter, sillier, happier, and things are so much more fun and easy since I don't get lost in perfectionism and overthinking. I feel like a new woman.  Her coaching has truly changed my business and life.

The live calls were amazing - my cheeks hurt just thinking about how much I smiled on each one. It was such an infectious group and community. I felt SO safe and supported! Kara brings such a beautiful presence for everyone to feel so loved and accepted. She allows people to show up playfully, messily, and with fun. 

Having this playful mindset feels SO freeing and empowering. I also feel so empowered and confident in myself and have achieved big goals that I wouldn’t have believed I could have before working with her and did so with so much more fun and ease."

—Megan W., Intuition Coach

"I’ve never been so connected to my inner child. It has helped me heal and  break self-sabotaging patterns faster than anything else I’ve ever tried.

I feel so much more confident, empowered and more in control of my healing now more than ever.

Before working with Kara, I was consistently frustrated with myself and how judgemental I was.  I couldn't shake my perfectionist tendencies. I was also frustrated at how hard it was for me to be playful in front of people and just be my true self without caring what others think.

Enter Kara. This was exactly what the little girl in me had been craving. 

I now feel SO much more confident! Kara has helped me connect to a part of myself that I had abandoned and forgotten about. I have learned to be gentle with myself and actually feel my feelings and begin to release them. That is HUGE for me! I can comfort myself in a way that I've never been able to before.  

I HIGHLY recommend Kara as a Coach! I have already referred people to her! 

She is an amazing human and not only is she living her purpose so powerfully, she is someone that helps you feel seen, heard, and held.  Her empathy has been very important for me in this journey - allowing me to open up easier and go deeper in my healing. I am so incredibly grateful I found her!”

—Linda S., Photographer

“Working with Kara was life changing. A deep journey to self. I can tell you, I never laughed that much while healing. She showed me a new way to see and live life. I have never felt so authentic in my life. 

I am just a new person and, I owe it to Kara. She is a healing queen.

I learned how to play seriousness-free, reconnect with my inner self, increase in self confidence, commitment, have a different perception of the world, burnt thousands of calories laughing and dancing, showed up free of societal requirements (make up, nice hair etc.), led my couple to the next level, developed self love, forgiveness but mainly feel safer outside and in my own mind & body...

Before I was seeking for people for entertainment now I seek for deeper connections. I was scared to make mistakes and speak, now I am a radio that cannot be turned off. 

I can be vulnerable. I can dance fearlessly. I have a more authentic love life. I am more comfortable with my body. I have more motivation, dedication and mental strength.

The list is too long... Just one the best self investments.”

Oh! Something You Should Know… 

🥳 Spark + Sparkle is a brand new program! Which means the next time I open the wooden fence, I’ll be making a few changes here and there, including the price to join. 

I want you to have alllll the information to make the best decision for YOU.

So, if you’re reading this page, feeling super-duper interested in joining us, now might just be the perfect time, while you can access this life-changing experience at the lowest cost!

You (Wondering Aloud):

But, Kara, Is Spark + Sparkle Really For Me? Is this another self-help program?!

Me (In My Best Game Show Host Voice): 

Goooood Question!

Here are FIVE ✋ things to consider:

#1. This isn’t like other “self-help” or mindset programs.

What I mean is… it’s not heavy. The “work” we’re doing here is *play*! In a world that feels increasingly heavy, play becomes a powerful way to lighten the load. It makes transformation feel easier, more natural, and much more fun. 😊 And bonus! Trading that rigidity, overwhelm, and overthinking for more energy, joy, and freedom is simply a result of more play.

#2. Connection + accountability are at the forefront.

The point of this experience is to reconnect with yourself, others, and the world around you. To take a BREAK from your never-ending to-dos and rediscover your passion for life again.

But more importantly, you’ll find a community that truly sees and supports you. It’s a space where you’re reminded of our shared humanity—a place where you can hold the weight of the world while still feeling lighter, connected, and hopeful. In addition to LIVE weekly play sessions, you’ll have a private Slack community with check-ins from me daily to keep you accountable + connected throughout the month.

#3. Now might just be the perfect time.

2024 has been A LOT 🙈 That’s why we need to take care of ourselves, as a collective, more than ever. If play feels like the last thing you “should” be doing, that’s almost always when you need it most.

#4. This stuff is proven in science.

I’m all about playing for the sake of fun…but if you need a bit more of a grounded reason to get on board (a realist, I like it!) it may be helpful to know the science. Evidence shows us that play is highly productive for humans at any age by helping improve relationships, spark creativity, sharpen social skills, excel at work, ward off depression, and lower stress. Talk about big benefits!

#5. It’s intentionally accessible.

Most programs promising these types of transformations come with a MAJOR price tag, or require you to complete multiple worksheets to get results. That certainly has its place, but Spark + Sparkle is low maintenance for a reason! It’s a playful reset, designed to fit into your busy life!

If you’re feeling called to sprinkle more of that into your life…


Here’s Another Peek At The Results That Are Possible When You Use PLAY & MINDSET As A Way To Heal 🤩

—Melissa W., Life Coach

“Working with Kara was absolute FIRE and life changing! Perfectionism is often worn as a badge of honor and yet when we get to the bottom of it, it’s a shield holding us back from true connection and impact. Kara showed me that and offered so many ways to heal perfectionism.

The mindset work we did was magical and so transformational. My life is so much fuller and I'm so much more present now and feel playful EVERY DAY.

I truly believe this work is essential for all overachievers and perfectionists! And I’ve already recommended that all my clients do it!”

—Shelly R.,  Somatic Coach

“Before working with Kara, I was trying to start a business, but struggling with patterns of perfectionism that fueled procrastination. I knew I wanted to lighten up my approach, incorporate more play into my life, develop more self-trust and learn to work with my fear of judgement. 

The group exceeded my expectations with so many fun, creative ways to play, an amazing group of humans to play with, and excellent coaching from Kara. I honestly I can't believe how much I've changed, learned, and grown! 

I overcame my fears of showing up online by creating a business Instagram and received so much encouragement from the community.

I made huge progress in getting my business off the ground as I committed to taking messy, imperfect action which is a phrase we discussed in the group. 

I also found playing in community to be incredibly healing! I now feel more creative, confident, and brave. I'm in awe of Kara's wisdom, compassion, and playful nature and would highly recommend this program." 

—Melinda P., Teacher

“If you’re looking to let go of perfectionism, meet an amazing group of people looking to embrace silliness, playfulness, and reconnecting with your inner child, then this is definitely the program for you. Don’t let the fear hold you back because the outcome will truly be amazing.

It’s made me step out of my comfort zone, be more playful and silly regardless of what I look like, developed my creativity, allowed me to focus more on lil’ me, to have more fun and to embrace the awkward feelings that arise when trying new things.

I feel more playful, more happy, and I have many new ideas to incorporate play at home and at work. 

The sense of community was also so strong and I’ve developed friendships with people all around the world." 

—Kiesha Y., Somatic Coach

“This program awakened the parts of me I left behind and rescued my heart. The little girl inside of me is now alive and I am so grateful. 

Kara made this journey so marvellously easy to be a part of. Both my adult self and inner child felt truly safe to exist in this space. Play sounds so simple but it can be really hard to start. Once you do, a freedom comes and starts to deeply nourish those under nourished parts of you that are longing to show up and play like a child. This was the perfect opportunity to dive in, with Kara's expert knowledge and silly and fun modeling. 

I loved every minute.”

—Hakay R., Life Coach

“Before I began with Kara I felt lost on how to play in my life everyday. I would get stressed or overwhelmed with things in my life and I wouldn't let them go. Let alone play with them.

Kara helped me release the barrier that "Play isn't productive” and gave me confidence to do it more on my own.

Breakthroughs came up around boundaries. No longer needing to people please my way through life hoping everyone likes me. With that my ability to be myself became easier and I became the creator of my own joy.

I now feel so empowered to play and I feel so liberated. For anyone wanting to Play and heal their inner child, make it easy on yourself and book in with Kara. It has been a beautiful, bountiful and blissful experience.”

—Andria S., Mindset And Business Coach

“My playtime with Kara was exactly what I didn't know I needed to reignite my creativity in my business and overall life. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle of the everyday and stop making time for play and unexpected moments. Our time together was fun, inspiring and creative. It provided me the opportunity to completely let go of control, laugh and experience what it's like to simply live in the moment again. Thank you Kara for your energy, joie de vivre, and for creating a safe space for self-discovery and play!”

—Angie T.

"Before working with Kara, I was living life via a to do list. I was an overthinker and a perfectionist. 

When I joined the group, I was hesitant because I felt very much outside of my comfort zone. I quickly realized how comfortable and safe I could feel in the group Kara created. I learned so much from not only Kara, but also the other Playful Warriors. 

The energy in the group is infectious. I have never felt so connected and safe with a group of people I have only known for such a short amount of time and have never met in person. 

I am now embracing the imperfect parts of me and loving myself as I am. I have began forgiving myself and am feeling more confident and playful. 

I would 100% recommend Kara and her programs. Kara is supportive, warm, and playful. I can’t think of a better coach and program. While I knew I would become more playful through this program, I didn’t realize just how impactful it would be."

—Michelle E., Copywriter

"Before working with Kara, I was struggling with major anxiety and trying to work through it. Life and work felt extremely intense and serious.

This program provided SO many incredible tools to help me get out of that place- the most significant being PLAY! Play was so freeing and healing! This was hugely because of the safe and supportive space Kara has cultivated, and each of the lovely humans who made up this special group.

I’m now living through a more light-hearted and playful lens, which has rippled into having more fun and flow in my business, and joy in my life. I'm caring less about what other people think of me. Having more confidence just being myself. Also, a HUGE one is less OVER-THINKING!

This is the most excited I've felt about my business in a long time, and it's all because this program completely connected me with my creativity & what lights me up!"

—Sama A., Mindset Coach

“Soul and mind changing and an AMAZING group coaching journey.

Play has helped me get closer to my inner child and have more access to her especially when I want to have more fun and just be silly and let go.

I’ve made miles and miles of progress in letting go of my perfectionism and showing up authentically.

The other day my husband was saying Sama's a bit of a perfectionist, and i was like no! That's not me anymore. That used to be me, but that's not me anymore."

Got Questions? Let ‘Em Fly!

Play Is Powerful. 

The Proof Is In The (Chocolate) Pudding

“My self-worth skyrocketed. If you’re looking to heal your inner child and experience more passion, clarity, flow, power and joy in all aspects of your life (and have fun in the process) then this program is definitely for you!" 

—Laura D., PR Manager

“Play had been something I’d wanted to integrate into my life for a while, but alone, could never seem to make it happen [read: make the time for it]. What a fun, feel good, incredible time! If you are considering working with Kara, I couldn’t recommend it more! 

It's something I’d now encourage all of my friends to do. Who doesn’t want to play more, learn to chase joy, care less about other people's opinions, connect to their inner truth and come out the other side with a host of habits and activities that make life that little bit more fun."

—Lauren R., Self & Identity Coach

“It was so wonderfully healing and SO FUN! When I first entered the group I was fascinated by just how diverse and global it was. It was so cool and healing to connect with others who struggle to be authentic and play more…and it honestly BLEW my expectations out of the water! 

It helped me connect to spontaneity and increased my self-confidence. It gave me so much energy!"

—Patricia C., HR Manager

"It was incredible and blew my expectations out of the water. It is the BEST investment I've made on myself because it helped me truly find myself. 

I had been doing a lot of heavy healing and it felt stressful and very isolating. When I found Kara's program, I was drawn to her ability to heal through play. It felt light and free, yet deeply healing and thorough.  

It was so healing to be amongst a group of like-minded people who were on their healing journey and made it so fun and playful! Kara was so supportive. 

I felt so safe during this program, which is something that has been hard for me to find in the past. This safety allowed me to open up, be free, learn more about myself, take up space, hear myself, and have fun!! I played like I've never played before!

I grew so much more self-trust in myself which has given me the courage to start my own occupational therapy coaching program. I couldn't recommend Kara's program more!!” 

—Marti M., Occupational Therapist

“My self-worth skyrocketed. If you’re looking to heal your inner child and experience more passion, clarity, flow, power and joy in all aspects of your life (and have fun in the process) then this program is definitely for you!" 

—Laura D., PR Manager

“Play had been something I’d wanted to integrate into my life for a while, but alone, could never seem to make it happen [read: make the time for it]. What a fun, feel good, incredible time! If you are considering working with Kara, I couldn’t recommend it more! 

It's something I’d now encourage all of my friends to do. Who doesn’t want to play more, learn to chase joy, care less about other people's opinions, connect to their inner truth and come out the other side with a host of habits and activities that make life that little bit more fun."

—Lauren R., Self & Identity Coach

“It was so wonderfully healing and SO FUN! When I first entered the group I was fascinated by just how diverse and global it was. It was so cool and healing to connect with others who struggle to be authentic and play more…and it honestly BLEW my expectations out of the water! 

It helped me connect to spontaneity and increased my self-confidence. It gave me so much energy!"

—Patricia C., HR Manager

"It was incredible and blew my expectations out of the water. It is the BEST investment I've made on myself because it helped me truly find myself. 

I had been doing a lot of heavy healing and it felt stressful and very isolating. When I found Kara's program, I was drawn to her ability to heal through play. It felt light and free, yet deeply healing and thorough.  

It was so healing to be amongst a group of like-minded people who were on their healing journey and made it so fun and playful! Kara was so supportive. 

I felt so safe during this program, which is something that has been hard for me to find in the past. This safety allowed me to open up, be free, learn more about myself, take up space, hear myself, and have fun!! I played like I've never played before!

I grew so much more self-trust in myself which has given me the courage to start my own occupational therapy coaching program. I couldn't recommend Kara's program more!!” 

—Marti M., Occupational Therapist

Spark + Sparkle isn't just a 4-week program...

It’s a playful life reset, a space where your energy, my energy, and the collective energy of an amazing group all come together with one intention: 

To help you reignite your inner spark and start feeling alive, confident, and joyful again.

Take a moment to imagine…

You wake up in the morning, and instead of feeling the weight of your to-do list, you feel excited—like you can't wait to start your day. You get dressed, make your favorite cup of tea, and feel a sense of lightness as you move through your day. Even with the world’s challenges, you’ve created a space for joy and healing within a supportive community.

You’re making bold decisions in your business and personal life, confidently saying "no" to what doesn’t serve you and "YES" to the things that bring you joy.

You’re reconnecting with your passions, spending time on what truly lights you up, and attracting opportunities that feel oh so aligned. Even when life feels heavy, you’ve found your way back to what energizes and heals you.

You’re communicating openly and authentically with the people closest to you—[partner, mom, sister, friend]—sharing how you feel when something’s on your mind.

You’re no longer suppressing your feelings out of fear of “rocking the boat.” Instead, you feel free to be yourself, which deepens your relationships.

You’re spending 20-30 minutes creating an Instagram post, hitting “publish,” and moving on with your day without second-guessing who will see it or how many likes it will get. You feel at peace because you like it—and that’s what matters.

You’re confidently pitching a dream client you’ve admired for years, and when they say “YES,” you feel fully up for the challenge. You trust yourself and your capabilities, ready to seize new possibilities.

You’re feeling FREE as you finally let go of the heavy “shoulds” and expectations that have been weighing you down, replacing them with a playful, spontaneous energy that brings back your zest for life.

This outcome? It’s not a fantasy.

It’s a memory of a future that’s inevitable if you desire and choose it.

Want to speed up this reality and bring it into your life now?

Spark + Sparkle is for YOU.

 Ready to Dance, Laugh and Play Your Way into a Life Bursting with More Energy, Joy and Confidence?

💃 Then Break Out Your Dancing Shoes & Let's Get Started!  💃

Playful Coaching & Support (value: $3,500+)

✔️ 4 Weekly 90-Minute LIVE Group Play Sessions
Think of them like joyful slumber parties for your inner child! We’ll start with fun, playful exercises to get you out of your head and into your body, followed by group connection and real-time support from me and the community. (Recordings available if you can’t make it live!)

✔️ Daily Joy Notes
Quick, inspiring audio messages delivered Monday-Friday to kickstart your day with a boost of joy and play. These are your mini pep talks to get you feeling alive and ready to embrace the day. Transcripts included!

✔️ 24/7 Access to Our Private Slack Community
Connect with other playful warriors, share wins, ask questions, and get support throughout the program. I’ll be there too, cheering you on every step of the way!

Bonuses (value: $500+)

✔️ BONUS #1: Lifetime Access to “Decisions Made Easy” Mini-Course
Say goodbye to overthinking with this playful guide that helps you make confident decisions with ease.

✔️ BONUS #2: The Magic Within – A Guided Playdate with Your Inner Child
Reconnect with your creativity and let go of perfectionism during this fun, transformative playdate.

Total Value: $4,000+

***This round only save $250 and join Spark + Sparkle for only $247 $497! 

Jump inside today for just… 

$247 $497 


$130 (+ 1 more monthly payment)