The Playful Reset: 

Break Free from Perfectionism & Feel ALIVE Again with 2 Transformative Events

You’ve got big dreams and bold ideas, but they’re stuck inside your head because you keep telling yourself, “It’s not ready yet,” or “What if it’s not good enough?”

You spend hours re-writing emails, tweaking projects, or over-analyzing every little decision, only to end up frustrated, overwhelmed, and exhausted. You’re stuck in the loop of “almost there,” but never quite there because nothing ever feels perfect.

Maybe it’s the fear of being judged, or that relentless voice in your head whispering, “Who do you think you are? What if you mess this up?” It’s easier to stay small, to wait for things to feel “perfect” before you show up. But deep down, you’re exhausted from playing it safe and holding back.

 Imagine what it would feel like to...

  • Finally press send on that project without obsessively checking for mistakes, trusting that your imperfect action is still powerful.

  • Show up on social media, at work, or in your creative projects, without rehearsing your every word or move a hundred times before you hit “publish” or speak up.

  • Make decisions with ease—knowing that even if it’s messy or imperfect, it’s enough to move you forward.

  • Wake up feeling excited to put your ideas out into the world—not weighed down by overthinking, but lit up by the joy of sharing what you’ve been holding back.

  • Experience freedom from the constant second-guessing, where you trust that each step, no matter how small or imperfect, brings you closer to your goals.

  • Move through your day with confidence, no longer weighed down by the fear of judgment, and instead, feel a new sense of lightness, creativity, and joy in everything you do.

Well, I’ve got some good news, sweet soul! I've created something magical to help you do just that!



Introducing The Playful Reset: 


You've got 2 choices for your playful adventure!

Dive deep into one experience or double the fun and transformation by joining both events for the ultimate reset...

Meet Event 1—Break Free from Perfectionism: Play Your Way to Freedom

What to expect: Imagine no longer spending hours re-reading emails to make sure there’s not a single typo, or finally posting that video you've reshot 10 times because you're afraid it's not “just right.”

This event will help you let go of those nit-picky, perfectionist habits that keep you stuck, so you can hit send, go live, or show up messy but confident—without second-guessing yourself. We’re going to have fun, make mistakes on purpose (yes, really!), and show you that imperfect can still be incredible.

What you'll learn:


How to stop perfectionist habits from running the show

Stop re-editing emails, endlessly tweaking projects, and holding back from sharing your ideas. You’ll finally be able to press send and share your work without second-guessing every detail.


How to take bold action, even when it feels messy

Start that new project, launch your creative idea, or show up on social media without waiting for everything to be perfect. You’ll no longer let fear keep you stuck, and you’ll start making real progress.


How to embrace imperfection and play

Stop stressing about every tiny detail and start approaching life and work with more freedom and fun. You’ll feel less anxious and more creative, trusting that your imperfect action is enough to move you forward.

Meet Event 2—Feel Alive Again: A Confidence Boost for Creative Souls


What to expect: Picture yourself walking into a room and feeling excited, not anxious, about being seen. Imagine speaking up in that meeting or on social media, without rehearsing your words 50 times in your head first.

You’ll leave this session knowing how to reclaim that fearless part of yourself, the one who used to dance or sing like no one was watching—only now, you're ready to share it with the world. We’ll build your confidence with real, easy-to-do exercises, and daily rituals to keep you in that bold energy.

What you'll learn:


How to boost your confidence and own your voice

Speak up in meetings, pitch your ideas, or finally share that project you’ve been sitting on. No more rehearsing every word a hundred times before you say it.


How to move through self-doubt and take bold action

Post that video, ask for what you deserve. and stop letting self-doubt block you from the opportunities that are meant for you.  


How to create daily rituals to reinforce your confidence

Maintain your confidence after our session with easy daily rituals.You’ll feel more grounded and capable, ready to take steady, consistent action.

Choose Your Experience 👇

🎟 The Playful Reset (Bundle Both Events) – Snag both events for only $77 $134

Why choose just one when you can experience even more magic? The Playful Reset is the ultimate combo of both events, designed to help you break free from perfectionism and boost your confidence, all while saving biG!

Whether you choose one or both, each event is a complete experience—but together, they create a full reset for your mindset, creativity, and confidence. 

I wanna save and grab both events! ($77)

🎟 Single Event: $47 $67

Each event is designed to meet you where you are on your journey and is a complete experience. You can join in on the fun below and pick which one calls to you most:

  • Break Free from Perfectionism: Play Your Way To Freedom  
  • Fee Alive Again: Confidence Boost for Creative Souls
Buy Single Ticket: Break Free From Perfectionism ($47)
Buy Single Ticket: Confidence Boost ($47)
Frequently Asked Questions

You might be wondering…

What they’re saying


"Soul and mind changing. Play has helped me get closer to my inner child and have more access to her when I want to have more fun and just be silly and let go. I’ve made miles and miles of progress in letting go of my perfectionism and showing up authentically. The other day my husband was saying Sama's a bit of a perfectionist, and I was like no! That's not me anymore."

Sama A.

"I am SO much more playful, lighter, happier, and things are so much more fun and easy since I don't get lost in perfectionism and overthinking. I feel like a new woman!"

Sarah R.

"Kara's work has actually relieved so much anxiety and I've become way more productive in my business. 

I feel so much more confident as a coach and empowered to share my voice, talents and creativity with the world."

Jamie B.

The playful mindset opened up so much creativity, ease, and fun in my life. It’s helped me let go of rigidity, and even helped me with procrastination, which I thought was just an intractable part of my existence. It's also helped me have less anxiety and stress. Thank you for all you do, Kara! 

Meredith R.

“I now feel more courageous, more motivated to take beneficial action for myself, to speak my mind more and to show myself more (which I’m massively grateful for! 😃)

Oana V.

"I gained the courage to take action and experiment, offering multiple workshops in different settings. I learned that I love doing trainings for organizations and this will be a focus in my business moving forward. I now feel more confident, creative and brave." 

Shelly R.

The power of the PLAYful mindset 👇

Hi, Sweet Soul! I’m Kara!

Play and Mindset Coach, Former Perfectionist, and Founder of The Playful Warrior 🤸.

For years, I was stuck in the trap of perfectionism. You know the feeling—rewriting that email 12 times before sending, holding back from sharing an idea because it wasn’t "perfect" yet, or feeling completely paralyzed by the fear of getting things wrong. I lived with this constant pressure to perform, and it kept me small, anxious, and unable to fully express my creativity.

But everything changed when I discovered the power of play.

Through my own journey of letting go, I realized that life—and business—isn’t meant to be a series of perfectly executed steps. It’s about messy experimentation, being bold enough to make mistakes, and learning to embrace the joy of imperfection. By embracing play and reconnecting with my inner child, I not only regained my confidence, but I began to live and work in a way that feels ALIVE, exciting, and true to who I am.

This is exactly what I want for you.

These events are designed to help you break free from the same traps that held me back for so long—perfectionism and self-doubt—so you can experience more joy, creativity, and confidence in every area of your life. Whether you purchase one or both events, you’ll walk away with practical tools, playful insights, and a renewed sense of what’s possible.

Let’s create a life that feels truly alive—together.

Ready to Break Free from Perfectionism & Feel ALIVE Again?


Whether you’ve got big dreams on hold or you’re simply tired of being stuck in the exhausting loop of perfectionism in your everyday life, this is your chance to break free. 

The Playful Reset will help you shift out of overthinking and into action—messy, bold, and freeing. Whether it’s taking that next step in your work, showing up more fully in your relationships, or just feeling more confident in your everyday life, these events will give you the tools and confidence to move forward.

So, sweet soul—are you ready to stop holding back, trust yourself, and feel lighter, more creative, and more alive?

🎟 Click below to start your Playful Reset and get immediate access!

I wanna save and grab both events! ($77)
Buy Single Ticket: Break Free From Perfectionism ($47)
Buy Single Ticket: Confidence Boost ($47)